It's as if I could not find any appropriate words to start with,
or a sentence that pushes me forward.
So without thinking, I started writing words and generating sentences.
What am I trying to avoid in my art-making or maybe as an artist?
Everday, I look at the world, and people; I think of everything that happens in this world; what can I do?
Creating, making.
But who cares? Maybe those who need it.
Making a work of art is more like a shelter for me;
maybe it is a way to be away from the injustice that exists in the world.
Every day, I struggle to live, but I know for a fact that there are people in this world who find life much harder;
sometimes because of their race; sometimes because of their sexuality ,sometimes because of their gender and
somtimes because of being woman.
Every day, I endeavor to reach my goals, however, I know that there are many women in the world who are
doomed to live without goals, to live without wishes. I cannot imagine a life that there are no goals, no wishes,
I cannot imagine that they are living such a harsh life, so I resort to creating works of art.
I work for women; for women who, from childhood; the chains of being woman were tied to their hands and feet.
For women; those who were always judged by their appearance.
I've found artworks as an escape from these vain notions. I work for women, I give them a place in my works that they
deserve to have in society.
What am I trying to avoid in my art-making or maybe as an artist?
I am from a country known as the Third World; I got involved working for women because of the limitations, punishments,
and sacrifices that are the basis of their life in this country.
But I'm here; in the first, first, first world on the earth!!!!!!!! and I see women burying their dreams every day, anywhere.
I believe that many women all around the world are dealing with psychological and physical abuse and are suffering
from brutal violence, no matter where they are.
My mind is filled with unanswered questions; what if there was no superiority in this world?
what if there was no classification? what if everyone had an equal share of this world? what if we did not mislead the
world in the name of religion, power, nationality, ethnic and ...? what if women were considered as a human? not as a commodity,
that anyone can harass them on the grounds of various reasons. I work for women; I create artwork for them, maybe I can talk to them,
maybe we can talk to each other, maybe I can tell them, I am here for you, we are here for each other. Maybe this is what the work of
art gives me, a sense of being protected, supported.
I create artwork, in the hope of being the voice of women trapped in the darkness of discrimination, anger and violence.
My artwork may never be effective, but making artwork is a way of expressing one of the pains of society which is like poison
and destroys it from inside. Maybe someday superstitions and anti-feminist beliefs can be eradicated from individuals mind.
As Audre Lorde says: "for women, poetry is not a luxury. It is a vital necessity of our existence. It forms
the quality of the light within which we predicate our hopes and dreams toward survival and change, first made into
language, then into idea, then into more tangible action. "
I am trying to avoid the real life in my art-making or maybe as an artist.
Sanaz Feizi